Holy Cross School Panchamba

School Uniform

Every student must wear a clean, complete and correct uniform daily. Parents must take special care to see that students leave home in full uniform. Uniform is compulsory for all school activities, both curricular and co curricular, on instruction days as well as on non instruction days. Defaulters may be fined or sent back home. Whenever the complete or correct uniform cannot be worn, permission to attend school must be obtained from the Principal.

Class Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday Wednesday & Saturday
Nursery, L.K.G. & U.K.G. Shirt: Maroon checked
Pant: Maroon
Shoes: Black
Socks: Maroon
T-Shirt: Pink
Pant: White
Shoes: White
Socks: White
I - XII Shirt: Brown checked
Pant: Brown
Shoes: Black
Socks: Brown
House T-Shirt: Red, Blue, Green & Yellow
Pant: White
Shoes: White
Socks: White

Note: The back of the T-shirt should have the school's name and emblem.

Class Monday, Tuesday, Thursday & Friday Wednesday & Saturday
Nursery, L.K.G. & U.K.G. Shirt: Maroon checked
Skirt: Maroon
Shoes: Black
Socks: Maroon
T-Shirt: Pink
Skirt: White
Shoes: White
Socks: White
I - V Shirt: Brown checked
Skirt: Brown
Shoes: Black
Socks: Brown
House T-Shirt: Red, Blue, Green & Yellow
Skirt: White
Shoes: White
Socks: White
VI - XII Suit: Brown checked
Salwar: Brown
Overcoat: Brown
Shoes: Black
Socks: Brown
Suit: White with house colour boarder
Salwar: White
Shoes: White
Socks: White

Note: The back of the T-shirt should have the school's name and emblem.